Main Products/ Services/ Pipelines & Platforms
The Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of China (MOHW) is the Executive Yuan ministry responsible and the highest authority for the administration of the public health system, social welfare, affordable and universal health care, hospitals, pharmaceutical, immunization programs, disease prevention, supervision and coordination of local health agencies in Taiwan. The MOHW was originally established on 17 March 1971 as the Department of Health (DOH). The department was upgraded to Ministry of Health and Welfare on 23 July 2013 with the addition from the agencies in the Ministry of the Interior responsible for social welfare following restructuring of the Executive Yuan. The mission of MOHW is to promote the health and well-being of all Taiwan citizens.
Business Interests
The MOHW’s diversified responsibilities include health policy planning and promotion, prevention and control of disease, food safety, drug management, social insurance and welfare, relief and protective services.
Contact Info
Hsien-yang Lee
Researcher, Office of Science and Technology