Main Products / Services
Hardware LFIAT is placed horizontally, with 3D floating images standing on its surface. Users view the 3D images sideway with the naked eye, experiencing strong stereoscopic and vivid effects. The concept of light field spatial imaging reduces discomfort associated with VAC. Users can use their fingers to interact directly with 3D floating images in the air.
Software SpatiumNEX is a human-centric application based on Lixel’s image and spatial computing algorithms and interactive algorithms. Its functions are divided into View in Air, Edit in Air, and Remote Connection.
Solution allows for the input of patients’ MRI and CT slices into the software. It undergoes the following process: segmentation, 3D model reconstruction, transformation into 3D floating image. Users can manipulate and edit 3D floating image in air, enhancing efficiency in healthcare and medical education and evolving the value of medical image. Remote connection enables individuals from different locations to simultaneously view and edit 3D floating image, thus creating a new form of telemedicine.
Business Interests
▪ Direct sales ▪ Authorized dealers ▪ Authorized agent ▪ Collaborative R&D
Contact Info
WenChi Lin
Marketing Executive